Iqbal was jeered at and heckled by PTI supporters at the restaurant on Friday night. Viral videos of the incident circulating online show women and teenagers chanting anti-government slogans and hurling abuses at the minister, loudly calling him "chor".
In a tweet later, Iqbal said: "Today, a family — who apparently considered themselves elites and supported PTI — clashed with me. Instead of holding a dialogue with me they started chanting slogans,” he wrote, adding that as a counter-attack, other people present at the restaurant also started chanting slogans against the PTI."
He criticised former prime minister Imran Khan for "instilling a culture of hatred" among the people, adding that "just like their ignorant and lunatic leader, his supporters are following suit".
At a press conference in Lahore today, the minister said that the incident didn't affect his popularity but highlighted the culture Imran Khan was teaching his followers.
Iqbal stressed that the "disease of polarisation and hatred" in society was hollowing out Pakistan like "cancer". "I say this with disappointment that we expected Imran Niazi, who was a sportsman, to teach his supporters sportsmanship in the country's politics.
"But he did the opposite. His politics just spreads hatred in society. This poison is spreading so rapidly that if we don't counter it, the society will be steps away from anarchy and civil war — like Libya," he warned.
The minister went on to say that he had two ways to go about the incident. "The first was to register an FIR (first information report) against these people. Pakistan gives me the right to initiate proceedings under its law. But I have decided against it."
Instead, he said he was leaving the matter in the court of the public. "In the court of the people, I want to register a complaint against the leadership of the party that encourages this behaviour," Iqbal said, referring to the PTI.
Addressing PTI supporters, he urged them to carefully consider if their leader was as sincere to them as they were to him. "Imran Niazi has a track record of using people and throwing them away like tissue paper," he claimed.
Iqbal requested people to think if "you want your children to become victims of this hatred or want to pull them out of it".
He also thanked the people who condemned the incident and reached out to him with consolation messages. "I am a stern believer of freedom and democracy. The people of this country are very well-aware of my services for Pakistan and I don't need a PTI certificate to prove it," he added.
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