Replying to reporters’ questions following his appearance before an accountability court in connection to the mega money laundering and fake bank accounts case, Zardari said both the NAB and the country’s economy could not work together.
“The question is, either NAB will work or the economy. Both cannot work together,” he said.
Asked if he thought the current government would last through its five-year tenure, the former president remarked with a smile, “God forbid.”
On the possibility of former prime minister Nawaz Sharif travelling abroad for medical treatment, Zardari prayed for his health.
“May Allah grant health to everyone. If need be, then he will go. Where [else] will he go?” he replied.
Read more: Fake Accounts Case: Another accused offers to become approver as Zardari, Talpur
Zardari and his sister Faryal Talpur appeared before Accountability Court II Judge Arshad Malik earlier today, who is hearing the long-running money laundering and fake bank accounts case.
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