Former first lady Begum Kulsoom Nawaz remains unconscious despite blinking her eyes for the first time in a month, as confirmed by her daughter Maryam Nawaz on Thursday. The wife of former premier Nawaz Sharif had been ailing and unconscious after a heart attack earlier last month and was under medical observation at London’s Harley Clinic. "1st time in 30 days, Ami opened eyes for a few secs. Don’t know if she saw or registered us. Still not conscious& on vent. Prayers solicited," Maryam Nawaz tweeted.In a second tweet, Maryam said that her mother blinked her eyes but was still unconscious. Earlier in August 2017, Kulsoom Nawaz had also been diagnosed with lymphoma (throat) cancer subsequent to which she has weathered numerous chemotherapy session. Nawaz Sharif and daughter Maryam Nawaz had been in London since earlier last month and are expected to arrive tomorrow upon which the two will be detained following the verdict that sentenced them to 10 and seven years of jail term in regards to the Avenfield Reference case.
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