ISLAMABAD: PTI chairman Imran Khan on Saturday said that he had waged a long struggle against corrupt mafia.“I will introduce a new system to combat corruption which is the biggest menace in the country after coming into power,” Khan told a gathering of supporters in Karak. “We will improve the existing local bodies system across Pakistan to bring the development to grass-root level” Khan said."Development work is not the job of an MNA or an MPA. Their job is to do legislation," he explained. Khan lamented that international media had been supporting Nawaz Sharif despite his conviction for corruption. He promised that he would address the problem of water shortage being faced by the people of Karak. Launching a tirade against his opponents, Khan said that former prime minister Nawaz Sharif and his daughter Maryam Nawaz were sentenced to jail over corruption, adding that the Adiala jail was awaiting the corrupt elite.He said that the PPP and PML-N had signed a charter of democracy (CoD) and the increasing price of dollar is the first gift of that agreement.
from The News International - National